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Components of the Judicial Process in India: Commissions and Committees

The judicial process in India is a multifaceted system comprising various components, including commissions and committees, that play critical roles in ensuring justice, upholding the rule of law, and addressing societal concerns. These bodies are entrusted with specific mandates, ranging from inquiry and investigation to policy formulation and recommendations. Let’s explore the components of the judicial process in India and examine some significant commissions and committees.


Definition and Purpose:
Commissions are specialized bodies established by the government to inquire into specific issues, investigate allegations, and recommend measures for policy formulation or legal reforms. They are typically formed through executive orders or legislative enactments and are tasked with conducting impartial inquiries, gathering evidence, and making recommendations based on their findings.

Commissions are specialized bodies established by the government to investigate specific issues, gather evidence, and make recommendations for policy formulation or legal reforms. They serve as instruments of inquiry and play a crucial role in addressing complex socio-legal challenges. Some notable commissions in India include: a. Justice Verma Committee (2013):
In response to the widespread public outrage following the Nirbhaya gang rape case in Delhi, the Justice Verma Committee was constituted to recommend amendments to criminal laws related to sexual offenses. The committee’s comprehensive report led to significant changes in the legal framework, including the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, which enhanced penalties for sexual offenses and introduced new provisions for gender-based violence. b. Nanavati-Mehta Commission (2000):
The Nanavati-Mehta Commission was established to investigate the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in Delhi. The commission’s findings provided crucial insights into the causes and consequences of the violence, leading to recommendations for justice, rehabilitation, and measures to prevent communal violence. The commission’s report facilitated the prosecution of perpetrators and contributed to efforts towards reconciliation and healing.

Examples and Functions:

  • National Human Rights Commission (NHRC): The NHRC is a statutory body constituted to promote and protect human rights in India. It investigates complaints of human rights violations, conducts inquiries, and recommends measures to safeguard human rights.
  • National Commission for Women (NCW): The NCW is mandated to safeguard and promote the rights of women in India. It investigates complaints of gender-based discrimination, violence, and harassment, and advocates for policy reforms to address systemic issues affecting women.

Case Study:
In the aftermath of the Nirbhaya gang rape case in Delhi, the Justice Verma Committee was constituted to recommend amendments to criminal laws related to sexual offenses. The committee’s comprehensive report led to significant changes in the legal framework, including the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, which enhanced penalties for sexual offenses and introduced new provisions for gender-based violence.


Definition and Purpose:
Committees are bodies formed to study specific issues, review policies, and make recommendations to the government or legislative bodies. They may be permanent or temporary and consist of members from diverse backgrounds, including experts, stakeholders, and public officials. Committees serve as forums for detailed examination, analysis, and consensus-building on complex issues.

Committees are bodies formed to study specific issues, propose solutions, and advise policymakers on matters of public interest. They serve as think tanks, facilitating informed decision-making and promoting transparency in governance. Some notable committees in India include: a. Law Commission of India:
The Law Commission of India is a statutory body tasked with reviewing and recommending reforms in the legal system. Over the years, the commission has submitted numerous reports and draft legislations on a wide range of legal issues, including electoral reforms, judicial reforms, and human rights. Its recommendations have often shaped legislative initiatives and judicial discourse in India. b. Parliamentary Standing Committees:
Parliamentary Standing Committees are permanent committees constituted by the Parliament to examine and report on various legislative proposals, budget allocations, and policy matters. These committees provide a platform for detailed scrutiny and deliberation, ensuring parliamentary oversight and accountability. Their reports and recommendations guide legislative decision-making and enhance the quality of governance.

Examples and Functions:

  • Law Commission of India: The Law Commission of India is a permanent body tasked with reviewing and recommending reforms in the legal system. It studies existing laws, identifies lacunae, and proposes legislative measures to address emerging challenges.
  • Parliamentary Standing Committees: These are permanent committees constituted by the Parliament to examine bills, budgets, and policy matters. They provide a platform for in-depth scrutiny and deliberation on legislative proposals, ensuring parliamentary oversight and accountability.

Case Study:
In the landmark case of S. R. Bommai v. Union of India (1994), the Supreme Court upheld the recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission on Center-State relations. The court emphasized the significance of adhering to constitutional principles and guidelines laid down by expert committees in matters pertaining to federalism and intergovernmental relations.

Role of Commissions and Committees in the Judicial Process:

Fact-Finding and Inquiry:
Commissions and committees conduct inquiries, gather evidence, and ascertain facts related to specific incidents or issues under investigation.

Policy Formulation and Recommendations:
They review existing policies, identify gaps or deficiencies, and make recommendations for legislative reforms or administrative measures to address societal concerns.

Public Participation and Consultation:
Commissions and committees provide opportunities for public participation, stakeholder consultation, and expert input, ensuring diverse perspectives are considered in decision-making processes.

Accountability and Oversight:
They hold government authorities accountable for their actions, monitor compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks, and recommend corrective measures when necessary.

Promotion of Justice and Human Rights:
Commissions such as the NHRC and NCW advocate for justice, equality, and human rights, providing redressal mechanisms for victims of violations and promoting social justice.

  1. Case Laws Illustrating the Role of Commissions and Committees: a. Common Cause v. Union of India (2018):
    In this case, the Supreme Court directed the government to implement the recommendations of the Justice Verma Committee regarding measures to prevent sexual harassment and assault. The court emphasized the importance of proactive measures and policy reforms suggested by expert committees in addressing gender-based violence and ensuring gender justice. b. S. R. Bommai v. Union of India (1994):
    In this landmark case, the Supreme Court upheld the recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission on Center-State relations. The court emphasized the significance of adhering to constitutional principles and guidelines laid down by expert committees in matters pertaining to federalism and intergovernmental relations.


In conclusion, commissions and committees constitute integral components of the judicial process in India, contributing to the advancement of justice, the protection of rights, and the promotion of good governance. Through their inquiries, recommendations, and reports, these bodies facilitate informed decision-making, foster public trust, and strengthen the foundations of democracy and the rule of law.


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