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Concept of India as one unit

The phrase “Unity in Diversity” refers to the unity of people who may differ in some ways. These disparities may be based on things like class, ethnicity, culture, language, ideology, religion, and sect. Furthermore, this idea has existed since the beginning of time. Since then, it has been employed as a symbol of unification amongst distinct people or communities by a range of political and social organizations. A good example of “Unity in Diversity” is people from many cultures, religions, and social classes living side by side in harmony. This admirable behavior has been constantly displayed by people practically everywhere on Earth. The idea undoubtedly contributed to the moral and ethical development of humanity.

The phrase “Unity in diversity” refers to the idea of feeling unified or united despite a great deal of diversity. People are brought together by its spirit, and this link illuminates the way of justice. This diversity can take the shape of cultural norms, religion, race, caste, and so on. These varied features are not perceived as a conflict in our country; rather, they constitute the variety that enhances our society and the country. It serves as a representation of peace and unity among those with various religious or cultural origins.

Objectives of Unity in diversity in India

The Unity in Diversity holds special significance for our country. It serves numerous purposes, which are as follows-
● National Integration
In the present times, it is essential for a nation to integrate all the people in order survive and prosper. It is very easy to manipulate and divide people in the name of caste, religion, and sects. If this happens, the growth of the country gets derailed and the entire nation suffers on account of this. So, it is essential to inject the feeling of harmony and brotherhood, despite having culture, regional or social differences among them. The recent turnaround in the Afghanistan clearly
highlights the importance of an integrated nation.
● Global recognition
Our entire global community has experienced the evils of racism, extremism, and other forms of social discrimination. From this experience, the biggest lesson that can be learnt is that the “unity in diversity” is the only thing that could remove all these evils from our society. So, a country which is highly diverse, but remain united not only build a strong platform of growth
but also attains recognition at the global level. It becomes an example for the world to follow.
● Ensuring Nation’s Growth
It is an unsaid truth that Unity in Diversity plays a very vital role in achieving the path of growth and development. The country which is subject to internal issues would be highly distributed in security matters, and the process of development would be very slow.
● Peaceful co-existence
The human resources of a country are its most valuable assets, and it is the duty of the state to make an optimum utilization of them. If the people of the country are safe, and there is a feeling of harmony, brotherhood and oneness in the society, they could contribute with best of their abilities in the development of the country. The peaceful co-existence can only be maintained
through a sense of unity in a diverse country.

Challenges to national integration in India:
1. Casteism :

In India, casteism is a major issue that requires immediate attention. To end this inequality in our community, more action is required than just talking about it. To create a more inclusive society for everyone, we must work together to raise awareness of the negative impacts of casteism. Then and only then can we genuinely claim that India is a nation of opportunity for everyone.

2. Communalism

The narrow mindset that predominates over many religious identities is one of the major threats to national cohesion. Politics in our nation essentially enslaves people to different religious identities. Even in our country, a number of the states were founded on different languages. Communism promotes the separation of people based on their religious beliefs. Despite the fact that our country is secular and respects all religions equally, intercommunal conflicts can occasionally occur and result in the tragic loss of life and property.

3. Cultural distinctions

Sometimes, cultural differences seriously inhibit national integration. The divisions between the northern and southern states, which frequently cause interpersonal conflict and enmity, are already symptomatic of it. provoking protests and turmoil.

4. Regionalism

The regional or provincial mindset is yet another key impediment to national integration. Notably, after we gained independence, the “States Reorganisation Commission” divided our country into fourteen states, taking into account the various components of the governmental and administrative systems. The development of new nations based on territorial boundaries and the increasing demand for more such states serve as evidence that the detrimental impacts of such a division are still present today. There is social instability among the public as a result of an increase in provincialism in many states around the country.

5. Language Variations

There are many different languages spoken in the vast country of India. Although it is fine to speak several languages, a person’s obsession on their native tongue and intolerance toward other languages hinders national unity. People can only communicate with each other through language, hence a common language that unites the entire country is required. Unfortunately, there isn’t yet a single language that can be spoken throughout the entire country, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.

6. Income Inequality

Social diversity and economic disparity coexist in our country. While the few wealthy people are getting richer, the majority of the poor are finding it more and harder to make ends meet. Due to this financial gap, there is increasing animosity between the wealthy and the poor. Without all of this harmony and fraternity, feelings of national integration cannot grow.

7. Racial Diversity

India’s diversity presents a veiled threat to the nation’s unity because the country is made up of so many different ethnic groups. In Indian civilization, differences based on caste, creed, religion, and language have long persisted. These aided the British in their scheme to partition the nation. The British were ultimately driven out of India only thanks to the efforts of national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Vallabai Patel, and many more who worked toward national unification.


A few of the reforms that aid in closing the gap between the people and uniting them are those that promote education awareness, the eradication of economic disparities, etc. Given the diversity of India’s population in terms of religion, language, customs, etc., it is crucial that people recognize the value of maintaining their unity.


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