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Drafting of a Plaint

Drafting of plaint on any issue is considered as most important in order to file the suit in the court and in this plaint drafted for the injunction on the use of unused land as a dumping area by the resident of ( Address )that leads to health problem of the plaintiff due to huge collection of waste material and bad smell all the time.



Suit No. 166 of year


Address …… Plaintiff



Address …… Defendant

Suit for Injunction on the Use of Unused Land as a Dumping Area

The Plaintiff submits as under:

  1. The Plaintiff is a resident of (Address) and the Defendant is a neighbor of the Plaintiff.
  2. There is unused land near the Plaintiff’s house, which the Defendant, a resident of ( Address )uses as a dumping yard for household waste.
  3. The Defendant has been consistently dumping waste material on this unused land, resulting in a significant accumulation of waste.
  4. The prolonged use of this land as a dumping area by the Defendant has led to health problems for the Plaintiff due to the collection of waste material and persistent bad odor.
  5. The Court has jurisdiction to issue an injunction against the Defendant’s use of the unused land as a dumping area, as it restricts the Plaintiff’s free movement and adversely affects their health.


It is prayed that a decree for injunction be passed in favor of the Plaintiff against the Defendant, and any other relief that the Court deems fit, in the interest of the justice.

Date: Signature


I, XXXX , the above-named Plaintiff, do hereby verify that the contents of paragraphs 1 to 5 are true to my knowledge, and the contents of the remaining paragraphs are based on legal advice received from my advocate, which I believe to be true.


Signature of Plaintiff Plaintiff Advocate


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