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Tag: define semiconductor integrated circuits layout design Act

The Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act, 2000

Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout Design(SICLD) Act, 2000, has come into operation in India w.e.f. 4th September 2000. As per the provisions of this Act, Registrar Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Registry under the  Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has been appointed with its head office at Electronics Niketan, 6 CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi-110003.The Registry maintains the Register of Layout-Designs and records in it the registered layout-designs with the names, addresses, and descriptions of the proprietor and such other matters related to the registered layout-designs.


  • Semiconductor integrated circuit” means a product having transistors or other circuitry elements, which are inseparably formed on a semiconductor material or an insulating material or inside the semiconductor material and designed to perform an electronic circuitry function.
  • Layout-design” means a layout of transistors, and other circuitry elements and includes lead wires connecting such elements and expressed in any manner in a semiconductor integrated circuit.
  • Commercial exploitation” in relation to the SICLD means to sell, lease, offer or exhibit for sale or otherwise distribute such semiconductor integrated circuit for any commercial purpose.

Electronics and Information technology is one of the fastest growing sectors that has played a significant role in world economy. This is primarily due to the advancements in the field of electronics, computers and telecommunication. Microelectronics, which primarily refers to Integrated Circuits (ICs) ranging from, Small Scale Integration (SSI) to Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) on a semiconductor chip – has rightly been recognized as a core, strategic technology world-over, especially for Information Technology (IT) based society. Design of integrated circuits requires considerable expertise and effort depending on the complexity. Therefore, protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) embedded in the layout designs is of utmost importance to encourage continued investments in R & D to result in technological advancements in the field of microelectronics. The practice of providing protection through the methods of Copyright, Patents did not appropriately accommodate the requirements of Intellectual Property Rights protection for the Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits. This was because of the fact that in the context of Layout Designs, the concept of “originality” is of utmost significance, whether it is a “novelty or not”. While the Patent Law requires that the idea should be original as well as novel, the copyright law is too general to accommodate the original ideas of scientific creation of LayoutDesigns of Integrated Circuits.

 In view of the above, the necessity for providing protection for Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits was felt to reward and encourage an adequate level of investment of human, financial and technological resources. The Majority of countries that attach significance to protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits provides for sui generis system of protection of Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits, which is usually contained in a separate Act. Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement under WTO contains provisions with regard to setting up of standards concerning availability, scope and use of Intellectual Property Rights, Geographical Indications, Layout-Design of Integrated Circuits etc. Therefore, the Government enacted the Semiconductor Integrated Circuit LayoutDesigns Act, 2000 providing for protection of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout- Designs by process of registration, mechanism for distinguishing Layout-Designs which can be protected, rules to prohibit registration of Layout-Designs which are not original and/or which have been commercially exploited, period for protection, provisions with regard to infringement, payment of royalty for registered Layout-Design, provisions for dealing with willful infringement by way of punishment, appointing a Registrar for registering the Layout Designs and mechanism of Appellate Board. To conclude, the various modifications and amendments to earlier Intellectual Property Laws are an indication of India’s move towards new IPR regime so as to prepare ourselves for the global trade competition.