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Tag: Kinds of Law

Kinds of LAW

Kinds of law 

Introduction Law is used in different senses. The use of the term “law” is made in various senses. It denotes different kinds of rules and Principles. Blackstone says “law in its most general and comprehensive sense signifies a rule of action and is applied indiscriminately to all kinds of action whether, animate, rational, irrational. Thus we say the law of motion of gravitation of optics or Mechanics, as well as the law of nature and nations” it is helpful in understanding the different senses in which “law” is used in various fields of knowledge. 

Kinds of law by Sir Jhon Salmond Sir John Salmond refers to eight kinds of law

1.Imperative law

2.Physical or scientific law

3. Natural or moral law

4. Conventional law

5. Customary law

6. Practical or technical law

7. International law, and

8. Civil law

Imperative law Imperative law means a rule of action imposed upon by some authority which enforces obedience to it. In other words it is a command enforced by some superior power either physically or in any other form of compulsion